All reasonable efforts should be made by families to ensure that students are in school each and every student contact day. Accurate attendance is a student’s responsibility. Students questioning accuracy may verify accurate attendance by checking with their respective classroom teacher on initial concerns in a timely manner. If there appears to be an error, the classroom teacher may contact the attendance office (within 24 hours) or the student’s Pony Center to validate or clear the record and avoid any errors. All students must sign in/out with their classroom teacher when leaving class and with the Main Office Secretary when leaving the building early or entering after the start of the school day. Students who do not follow proper procedure may not be excused. Examples of excused and unexcused absences. Please provide a doctor’s note for absences due to illness or medical appointment whenever possible or when requested by the school.
Procedure for Reporting an Absence:
- Please make every effort to report a student's attendance before the start of the school day. Failure to notify the school results in an automated phone call from the school.
- Full Day Attendance: If your student is absent for the full school day, reporting can be done one of two ways:
- Contacting the school nurse here.
- By using the Full day Attendance Line 651-351-8000. Please include the student’s first and last name, spelling of last name, grade, reason for absence and return phone number.
- Partial Day Attendance (arriving late or leaving early): If a student is arriving after the start of the school day or leaving before the end of the school day, you may report this in one of two ways:
- Contacting the school nurse here.
- Using the Partial day Attendance Line 651-351-8011. Please include the student’s first and last name, spelling of last name, grade, reason for dismissal or absence, time of dismissal or estimated time of arrival and return phone number.
- In cases of Partial Day attendance (student leaving early), it is the student’s responsibility to pick up their official PASS TO LEAVE from the MAIN OFFICE in the morning or during passing time.
For early student dismissal, please report using the above methods at least two hours in advance. In case of an emergency or immediate response, please call the Main Office Secretary at 651-351-8040 or the student's Pony Center.
Tardies and Truancy
Students who arrive 10 minutes late are marked as absent.
According to Minnesota law, compulsory attendance includes 15-17 year olds students. A student who reaches seven unexcused absences (either full or partial days) is in violation of the Minnesota Compulsory Attendance Law. Students in violation of this law may be referred to Washington County as early as the third unexcused absence. Once referred, students and their parents are expected to attend an Attendance is Mandatory (AIM) meeting as assigned by the county. Those attending the AIM meeting are eligible for diversion in lieu of truancy court.
A student is considered truant when they are have an unexcused absence from one or more classes. Phone calls to parents are made the evening of any unexcused absence by the auto caller, as a first notification and students should go to their Pony Center first thing the next morning. Families with blocked calls are to proactively seek information from their child's Pony Center as the school cannot bypass the blocked call system. After the seventh unexcused absence during a school year, a truancy petition may be filed with Washington County.