Morning: College and Career Trips
Senior students will participate in one of three different college and career exploration opportunities:
Option 1 Field trip: Sign up to visit one Minnesota or Wisconsin public/private school in person. Students can tour 1 school.
Option 2 Meet with Military Reps.: Students meet with 5 branches of the Military representatives to learn about the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and the National Guard.
Option 3 Participate in a Career Tour: related to STEM and Healthcare or Construction, Manufacturing, Art & Design, and Business & Entrepreneurship.
Sign up for one option here by October 24.
Afternoon: Virtual College Tours or Office Hours
At the completion of the day’s activities, students will have a block of time to participate in a virtual college tour or office hours.
Virtual tours:
At the completion of the day’s activities, students can sign up to participate in one Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, or Wisconsin virtual tour. Students will watch a tour at school.
Office hours:
At the completion of the day’s activities, students will have a block of time for office hours. Students may stay on campus or if they have parent permission, they may leave.