Arts & Communications Pathway
Do you love to express yourself or showcase your talents?
Students interested in Arts & Communication have opportunities to a variety of courses, including everything from performance music, visual and studio arts like drawing, painting, sculpting, and jewelry, to performing arts, film, and publications like newspaper and yearbook. This pathway is designed for those who are visually creative, enjoy music or the stage or have a passion for writing, researching, and synthesizing information.
Cutaway Productions
See the High School student production of a partnership between Stillwater students and The Stillwater Escape Company.
Programs of Study
Fine Arts
Possible careers may include:
- Art dealer
- Art therapist
- Animator
- Graphic artist
- Illustrator
- Interior designer
- Jewelry designer
- Photographer/Videographer
Visual Communications
Possible careers may include:
- Animator
- Cartoonist
- Filmmaker
- Interpretor/translator
- Producer
- Social media specialist
Possible careers may include:
- Freelance writer
- Copywriter
- Digital strategiest
- Product Marketing Manager
- Editor
- Public Relations Specialist
Performing Arts
Possible careers may include:
- Teacher
- Reporter
- Public Relations
- Screenwriter
- Interior Designer
- Painter
- Singer
- Musician
- Actor
Try It Out - Student Activities You Might Enjoy:
Chamber Choirs, Con Amici, Debate, Jazz Band, Kabekonian Yearbook, Mock Trial, One Act Play, Pony Express Newspaper, Pony Express TV, Speech, Stylus Magazine, Theater