Office Hours & Extended Learning
Focused academic support for students
Office Hours (offered every Wednesday afternoon) are designed to help students catch up on learning, make up missed assignments and tests, or get additional support. The format allows students to connect directly with teachers when needed, or have extra time to do homework, dig deeper into subject matter or collaborate with classmates on group projects.
This targeted approach to academic intervention allows teachers to focus on students who have fallen behind or need a little extra help, while giving other students the flexibility to learn in their own way.
During Extended Office Hours:
Classes will be shortened on Wednesdays to provide Office Hours at the end of the school day.
Students in need of support or who want more time to accelerate their learning can remain at school to meet in-person with teachers.
Students who are caught up in their classes may chose to continue their learning at home (with parent permission - contact your child's counselor) or at school.
Please note, students who fall behind in a course may be required by their teacher to attend Office Hours in order to receive additional support. Students will be notified should this be necessary.
- When does the Office Hours schedule Begin?
- Do Students have the Opportunity to Meet with More than One Teacher?
- How does the office hours schedule benefit students scoring below 70% in a class?
- Do Parents/Guardians Need to Complete an Opt-Out Form for Students to leave early?
- What happens if a student leaves without an opt-out form?
- Can Students Choose to Stay on Campus During Office Hours?
- What do PSEO or Senior Elective Students do During Sixth Period Block?