12th Grade: Planning for Future
12th Grade: Planning for Future
Take Action
Pathways helps motivate and guide students to complete the important tasks needed for success after high school.
- Apply to the military, college, trade school, or apprenticeship of your choice
- Attend Financial Aid Night and submit your Financial Aid Application (FAFSA)
- Arrange for mentorships, internships or apprenticeships
- Consider a customized Directed Study that allows students to gain knowledge and real world experiences in a career field of interest
- Take advantage of a Work to Learn program that provides paid work experience in a career
- Request letters of recommendation (if needed)
- Work on college essays, personal statements, etc.
- Research and apply for scholarships
- Meet with admissions or military reps in the SAHS College & Career Center
- Complete the Reality Check and finalize Personal Learning Plan in the Minnesota Career Information System (MCIS)