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Our 9th and 10th grades receive extra attention, support and care from teachers, staff and their peers as part of the BARR program. 

What is BARR (Building Assets, Reducing Risks)?

BARR is a a research-based approach to meeting students’ academic, social and emotional needs.

BARR pairs a core group of three teachers with about 150 or 160 students to form a small learning community. In addition to teaching the core subjects of science, English and social studies, the teachers on each team also help students develop good study habits and practice skills in collaboration, communication and critical thinking. Students get to know their peers and their teachers more personally, which helps them feel more connected throughout their first and second years of high school. BARR also provides time for core teachers to meet weekly to talk about their students’ academic needs, as well as any social or emotional concerns they’ve noticed.

The result: significant improvements in course credits earned, grade point averages, and standardized test scores; decreases in failure rates, suspensions, and absenteeism.