Course Offerings
Meeting the unique needs of every student
Whatever students need from the high school experience, Stillwater Area High School has got it covered. Because we're a large school made to feel small, students are provided with a wide variety of supports. Want to learn something not offered in the classroom? Try an independent study project. Want to skip a class entirely? Consider credit by assessment. Want to gain work experience while in high school? Check out directed study.
Not every student is the same. So their learning experience shouldn't be either!
Plan for the future!
Did you know that the classes you choose today can save time and money in the future? The courses selected today can help students get to where they want to be post-high school faster. For students that are still exploring possible career choices, high school is a great opportunity to try new things to find out what they love (or don't love!)
We've made it easier than ever to plan for the future. The Pathways program helps students EXPLORE career options and PLAN their class schedules each year to help them ACHIEVE those specific career goals.
All Course Offerings
Registration Index (All Courses)
- Agriscience
- Art
- Business
- Education
- Health
- Industrial Technology
- Language Arts
- Marketing
- Math
- Multilingual Learners
- Music
- Physical Education
- Science
- Social Studies
- Special Education
- Universal Electives
- World Language
- 916 Career and Tech
Prerequisites: None
Credits: 1 Semester
Prerequisite: Physical Science
Credits: 1 semester(c510) + 1 semester (c512) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Physical Science
Credits: 1 semester(c510L) + 1 semester (c512L) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Biology or AP Biology
Credits: 1 semester(c970) + 1 semester (c972) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisites: None
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Fish and Wildlife 1
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Biology
Credits: 1 semester
College Credit Opportunity: University of Minnesota (Learn more about early college credit options)
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Biology or AP Biology
Credits: 1 semester
Program of Study: Science
Prerequisite: For Food Science B: Successful completion of Food Science A
Credits: 1 semester (G525) + 1 semester (G527) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Recommended Clay & Sculpture I with C or higher
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Graphic Design I
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Recommended Drawing I with C or higher
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Recommended Metals Jewelry I with C or higher
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Recommended Painting I with C or higher
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Recommended Photography I with C or higher
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Intro to Video Production
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Recommended : Intro to Video Production or teacher approval
Credits: 1 semester
College Credit Opportunity: Articulated (ACC) through Century College
Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester (l534) + 1 semester (l536) = 2 credits for a year long course
Advancement Via Individual Determination
AVID is a college readiness program designed to help students develop the skills they need to be successful, including writing, critical thinking, team work, organization and reading skills.
Prerequisite: AVID 9
Credits: 1 semester (av500A) + 1 semester (av502B) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: AVID 10
Credits: 1 semester (av504A) + 1 semester (av506B) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: AVID 11
Credits: 1 semester (av508A) + 1 semester (av510B) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Application process
Credits: 1 semester (av512A) + 1 semester (av514B) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Accounting I
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
College Credit Opportunity: Articulated (ACC) through Century College
Prerequisites: None
Credits: 1 Semester
Prerequisite: Physical Science
Credits: 1 semester(c510) + 1 semester (c512) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Physical Science
Credits: 1 semester(c510L) + 1 semester (c512L) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Must be in 11th or 12th grade, B or better in Chemistry
Credits: 1 semester(c690) + 1 semester (c692) = 2 credits for a year long course
College Credit Opportunity: College in the Schools (CIS) with University of Minnesota
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester(c694) + 1 semester (c696) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Successful Completion of Chemistry A/B
Credits: 1 semester(c960) + 1 semester (c962) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Biology or AP Biology
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Health class requirement.
Credits: 1
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1
College Credit: Articulated College Credit(ACC) through Century College
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
College Credit Opportunity: Articulated (ACC) through Century College
Industrial Technology
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Metals Technology I
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Metals Technology I
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester (i570) + 1 semester (i572) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester (i580) + 1 semester (i582) = 2 credits for a year long course
Project Lead The Way
Prerequisite: Intro to Engineering or teacher recommendation
Credits: 1 semester (i584) + 1 semester (i586) = 2 credits for a year long course
Project Lead The Way
Prerequisite: Intro to Engineering or teacher recommendation
Credits: 2 semesters
Project Lead The Way
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Metals Technology I
Credits: 1 semester (i650) + 1 semester (i652) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Woodworking I
Credits: 1 semester (i670) + 1 semester (i672) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Metals Technology II
Credits: 1 semester (i750) + 1 semester (i752) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Woodworking II
Credits: 1 semester (i770) + 1 semester (i772) = 2 credits for a year long course
Language Arts
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester (l100) + 1 semester (l102) = 2 credits for a year long course
Program of Study: Core Curriculum & Universal Electives
Prerequisite: none
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester (l105) + 1 semester (l107) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester (L110) + 1 semester (L112) = 2 credits for a year long course
Program of Study: Arts, Film & Communications
Prerequisite: None
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester (l120) + 1 semester (l122) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester (l210) + 1 semester (l220) = 2 credits for a year long course
Program of Study: Core Curriculum & Universal Electives
Prerequisite: none
College Credit Opportunity: College in the Schools (CIS) through Bethel University
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester (l300) + 1 semester (l310) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester (l534) + 1 semester (l536) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Program of Study: Core Curriculum & Universal Electives
Prerequisite: None
Prerequisite: None
Credits: 1 semester
Program of Study: Core Curriculum & Universal Electives
Prerequisite: none
College Credit Opportunity: Concurrent Enrollment through Minnesota State University
Program of Study: Core Curriculum & Universal Electives
Prerequisite: none
College Credit Opportunity: Concurrent Enrollment through Minnesota State University
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester (lr30) + 1 semester (lr32) = 2 credits for a year long course
Program of Study: Core Curriculum & Universal Electives
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
College Credit Opportunity: Articulated (ACC) through Century College
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Algebra or Algebra with Quads
Credits: 1 semester (i908) + 1 semester (i909) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester (m536) + 1 semester (m538) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Algebra or Algebra with Quads
Credits: 1 semester (m546) + 1 semester (m548) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Algebra (recommended C- or better) or Algebra with Quads (recommended C- or better)
Credits: 1 semester (m550) + 1 semester (m552) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Algebra (recommended with semester grades less than C-)
Credits: 1 semester (m553) + 1 semester (m554) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Geometry (recommended C- or better) or Algebra II Concepts
Credits: 1 semester (m560) + 1 semester (m562) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Algebra II (recommended C- or better)
Credits: 1 semester (m564) + 1 semester (m566) = 2 credits for a year long course
Program of Study: Core Curriculum & Universal Electives
Prerequisite: Algebra II
College Credit Opportunity: College in the Schools (CIS) through the University of Minnesota
Prerequisite: Algebra III (recommended C- or better)
Credits: 1 semester (m580) + 1 semester (m582) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: None
Credits: 1 semester (m800) + 1 semester (m801) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Precalculus (recommended B- or better)
Credits: 1 semester (m950) + 1 semester (m952) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: AP Calculus AB I & II or Precalculus with teacher recommendation
Credits: 1 semester (m954) + 1 semester (m956) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Algebra II (recommended B- or better) and Algebra III (recommended C- or better)
Credits: 1 semester (m960) + 1 semester (m962) = 2 credits for a year long course
Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering
Multilingual Learners
Prerequisite: Participation in 8th grade band
Credits: 2 semesters
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 2 semesters
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 2 semesters
Prerequisite: Participation in eighth grade orchestra
Credits: 2 semesters
Prerequisite: Audition
Credits: 2 semesters
Prerequisite: Audition
Credits: 2 semesters
Prerequisite: Audition
Credits: 2 semesters
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 2 semesters
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 2 semesters
Prerequisite: Participation in 9th grade orchestra
Credits: 2 semesters
Prerequisite: Audition
Credits: 2 semesters
Prerequisite: Audition
Credits: 2 semesters
Prerequisite: Audition
College Credit Opportunity: Concurrent Enrollment (CE) with Century College (Learn more about early college credit options)
Program of Study: Core Curriculum & Universal Electives
Prerequisite: None
College Credit Opportunity: Concurrent Enrollment (CE) through Century College
Prerequisite: Audition
Credits: 2 semesters
College Credit Opportunity: Concurrent Enrollment (CE) with Century College (Learn more about early college credit options)
Prerequisite: Audition
Credits: 2 semesters
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 2 semesters
Physical Education
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Articulated (ACC) through Century College
Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation with focus on students that demonstrate maturity to participate with ALL students regardless of ability levels. Priority will be given to upperclassmen.
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Personal Fitness & Sport, Fitness for Life OR Weight Training
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester(p560) + 1 semester (p562) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisites: None
Credits: 1 Semester
Prerequisite: Physical Science
Credits: 1 semester(c510) + 1 semester (c512) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Physical Science
Credits: 1 semester(c510L) + 1 semester (c512L) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Algebra 2 (or concurrent enrollment) AND Physical Science or STEM Physical Science AND in Grades 10, 11, 12
Credits: 1 semester(c550) + 1 semester (c552) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Algebra 2 (or concurrent enrollment) AND Physical Science or STEM Physical Science
Credits: 1 semester(c550ol) + 1 semester (c552ol) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Algebra 2 AND Physical Science or STEM Physical Science
Credits: 1 semester(c570) + 1 semester (c572) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Physical Science or STEM Physical Science
Credits: 1 semester(c584) + 1 semester (c586) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: AP or CE Calculus, General Physics recommended
Credits: 1 semester(c670) + 1 semester (c672) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Geometry (recommended: Physical Science or STEM Physical Science)
Credits: 1 semester(c680) + 1 semester (c682) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Must be in 11th or 12th grade, B or better in Chemistry
Credits: 1 semester(c690) + 1 semester (c692) = 2 credits for a year long course
College Credit Opportunity: College in the Schools (CIS) with University of Minnesota
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester(c694) + 1 semester (c696) = 2 credits for a year long course
Program of Study: Core Curriculum & Universal Electives
Prerequisite: None
Prerequisite: Chemistry or AP Chemistry (Biology strongly recommended)
Credits: 1 semester(c950) + 1 semester (c952) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Successful Completion of Chemistry A/B
Credits: 1 semester(c960) + 1 semester (c962) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Biology or AP Biology
Credits: 1 semester(c970) + 1 semester (c972) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Biology or AP Biology
Credits: 1 semester
Program of Study: Science
Prerequisite: For Food Science B: Successful completion of Food Science A
Credits: 1 semester (G525) + 1 semester (G527) = 2 credits for a year long course
Social Studies
Program of Study: Core Curriculum & Universal Electives
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester(s100) + 1 semester (s101) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Recommended B or higher in current Social Studies class
Credits: 1 semester(s105) + 1 semester (s106) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester(s110) + 1 semester (s112) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester(s210) + 1 semester (s212) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Program of Study: Core Curriculum & Universal Electives
Prerequisite: Students must also register for S315 - Economics
College Credit Opportunity: Concurrent Enrollment (CE) through Minnesota State University
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Recommended B in AP US History of A in US History
Credits: 1 semester(s917) + 1 semester (s918) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Recommended B in AP Human Geography or A in Global Studies
Credits: 1 semester(s930) + 1 semester (s932) = 2 credits for a year long course
Program of Study: Core Curriculum & Universal Electives
Prerequisite: None
College Credit Opportunity: Concurrent Enrollment (CE) through Minnesota State University
Program of Study: Health Science & Human Services
Prerequisite: None
College Credit Opportunity: Concurrent Enrollment (CE) through Minnesota State University
Special Education
Universal Electives
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: None
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 3 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 3 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Intro to Video Production
Credits: 1 semester
World Language
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester(w510) + 1 semester (w512) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester(w530) + 1 semester (w532) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester(w560) + 1 semester (w562) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: ASL I
Credits: 1 semester(w610) + 1 semester (w612) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: French I
Credits: 1 semester(w630) + 1 semester (w632) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Must successfully meet the standards in Spanish I (Grade of C- or higher). Students with with a D+ or lower should retake level I to improve their skills.
Credits: 1 semester(w660) + 1 semester (w662) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: ASL II
Credits: 1 semester(w710) + 1 semester (w712) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: successful completion of French II
Credits: 1 semester(w730) + 1 semester (w732) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Successfully meeting standards in Spanish II (Grade of B- or higher); making progress toward standards (Grade of C+ or lower requires teacher recommendation)
Credits: 1 semester(w760) + 1 semester (w762) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: ASL III
Credits: 1 semester(w810) + 1 semester (w812) = 2 credits for a year long course
College Credit Opportunity: Concurrent Enrollment (CE) with Mankato
Prerequisite: Successful completion of French III
Credits: 1 semester(w830) + 1 semester (w832) = 2 credits for a year long course
College Credit Opportunity: Concurrent Enrollment with Minnesota State University
Prerequisite: Successfully meeting standards in Spanish III (Grade of C or higher); making progress toward standards (Grade of C- or lower requires teacher recommendation).
Credits: 1 semester(w860) + 1 semester (w862) = 2 SAHS credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Successful completion of French IV
Credits: 1 semester(w930) + 1 semester (w932) = 2 credits for a year long course
College Credit Opportunity: Concurrent Enrollment (CE) with Minnesota State University
Prerequisite: Successfully meeting standards in Spanish IV (Grade of B- or higher); making progress toward standards (Grade of C+ or lower) requires teacher recommendations.
Credits: 1 semester(w960 + 1 semester (w962) = 2 credits for a year long course
College Credit Opportunity: College In Schools (CIS) with Bethel University = 3 semester college credits (Learn more about early college credit options)
916 Career and Tech
Seniors may take courses taught at Northeast Metro 916, a career and technical education program located at Century College. Students who successfully complete the course may earn college credit if they enroll at Century College.
Prerequisite: None
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 3 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 3 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Career Pathways
Pathways & Programs of Study
- Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
- Arts, Film & Communications
- Business, Finance & Marketing
- Core Curriculum & Universal Electives
- Digital Technologies
- Health Sciences & Human Services
- Trades & Industry
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Geometry (recommended: Physical Science or STEM Physical Science)
Credits: 1 semester(c680) + 1 semester (c682) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Biology or AP Biology
Credits: 1 semester(c970) + 1 semester (c972) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisites: None
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Fish and Wildlife 1
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Biology
Credits: 1 semester
College Credit Opportunity: University of Minnesota (Learn more about early college credit options)
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Biology or AP Biology
Credits: 1 semester
Program of Study: Science
Prerequisite: For Food Science B: Successful completion of Food Science A
Credits: 1 semester (G525) + 1 semester (G527) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Interview with Pathways Coordinator to determine if this course is a good fit
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Pathways Career Seminar
Credits: 1 semester
Arts, Film & Communications
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Recommended Clay & Sculpture I with C or higher
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Graphic Design I
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Recommended Drawing I with C or higher
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Recommended Metals Jewelry I with C or higher
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Recommended Painting I with C or higher
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Recommended Photography I with C or higher
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Intro to Video Production
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Recommended : Intro to Video Production or teacher approval
Credits: 1 semester
College Credit Opportunity: Articulated (ACC) through Century College
Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Program of Study: Arts, Film & Communications
Prerequisite: None
Business, Finance & Marketing
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Accounting I
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
College Credit Opportunity: Articulated (ACC) through Century College
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
College Credit Opportunity: Articulated (ACC) through Century College
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Interview with Pathways Coordinator to determine if this course is a good fit
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Pathways Career Seminar
Credits: 1 semester
Core Curriculum & Universal Electives
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Recommended Clay & Sculpture I with C or higher
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Graphic Design I
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Recommended Drawing I with C or higher
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Recommended Metals Jewelry I with C or higher
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Recommended Painting I with C or higher
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Recommended Photography I with C or higher
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Intro to Video Production
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Recommended : Intro to Video Production or teacher approval
Credits: 1 semester
College Credit Opportunity: Articulated (ACC) through Century College
Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: AVID 9
Credits: 1 semester (av500A) + 1 semester (av502B) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: AVID 10
Credits: 1 semester (av504A) + 1 semester (av506B) = 2 credits for a year long course
Digital Technologies
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Algebra or Algebra with Quads
Credits: 1 semester (i908) + 1 semester (i909) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: None
Credits: 1 semester (m800) + 1 semester (m801) = 2 credits for a year long course
Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering
Prerequisite: Interview with Pathways Coordinator to determine if this course is a good fit
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Pathways Career Seminar
Credits: 1 semester
Health Sciences & Human Services
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 3 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 3 semester
Prerequisite: Physical Science
Credits: 1 semester(c510L) + 1 semester (c512L) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Algebra 2 (or concurrent enrollment) AND Physical Science or STEM Physical Science AND in Grades 10, 11, 12
Credits: 1 semester(c550) + 1 semester (c552) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Algebra 2 (or concurrent enrollment) AND Physical Science or STEM Physical Science
Credits: 1 semester(c550ol) + 1 semester (c552ol) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Must be in 11th or 12th grade, B or better in Chemistry
Credits: 1 semester(c690) + 1 semester (c692) = 2 credits for a year long course
College Credit Opportunity: College in the Schools (CIS) with University of Minnesota
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester(c694) + 1 semester (c696) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Chemistry or AP Chemistry (Biology strongly recommended)
Credits: 1 semester(c950) + 1 semester (c952) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Successful Completion of Chemistry A/B
Credits: 1 semester(c960) + 1 semester (c962) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Biology or AP Biology
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1
College Credit: Articulated College Credit(ACC) through Century College
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
College Credit Opportunity: Articulated (ACC) through Century College
Trades & Industry
Prerequisite: None
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Algebra 2 (or concurrent enrollment) AND Physical Science or STEM Physical Science AND in Grades 10, 11, 12
Credits: 1 semester(c550) + 1 semester (c552) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Algebra 2 (or concurrent enrollment) AND Physical Science or STEM Physical Science
Credits: 1 semester(c550ol) + 1 semester (c552ol) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Physical Science or STEM Physical Science
Credits: 1 semester(c584) + 1 semester (c586) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: AP or CE Calculus, General Physics recommended
Credits: 1 semester(c670) + 1 semester (c672) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Successful Completion of Chemistry A/B
Credits: 1 semester(c960) + 1 semester (c962) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Biology or AP Biology
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Metals Technology I
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Metals Technology I
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester (i570) + 1 semester (i572) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester (i580) + 1 semester (i582) = 2 credits for a year long course
Project Lead The Way
Prerequisite: Intro to Engineering or teacher recommendation
Credits: 1 semester (i584) + 1 semester (i586) = 2 credits for a year long course
Project Lead The Way
Prerequisite: Intro to Engineering or teacher recommendation
Credits: 2 semesters
Project Lead The Way
College Credit Opportunities
Why would anyone want to start college in high school? Why not! If a student plans to continue their education after high school, save money, earn credits, and accelerate time to graduation!
*Always check with the technical school, community college or university of your choice for specific criteria in a program or major, as not all institutions will recognize these credit options.
College Credit Opportunities
- Accelerated Pathways
- Advanced Placement (AP)
- Articulated College Credit (ACC)
- College in the Schools (CIS)
- Concurrent Enrollment (CE)
- Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO)
- Project Lead the Way (PLTW)
- 916 Career & Tech (916)
Accelerated Pathways
We’ve partnered with Century College to design Accelerated Pathways - a unique Articulated College Credit (ACC) option. Accelerated Pathways are available in Business, Computer Science, and Exercise Science.
- Accelerated Pathways clearly outline what classes you can take at SAHS that align with required courses at Century College.
- Taking these courses guarantees college credit to accelerate degree completion (up to 70% of their AA degree completed at SAHS)!
- These credits can be used to complete a two-year degree at Century or transfer them to any Minnesota state university.
Advanced Placement (AP)
Students who successfully complete these college-level courses taught at the high school, and pass an AP exam, may be able to earn college credit at participating institutions.
Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: AP or CE Calculus, General Physics recommended
Credits: 1 semester(c670) + 1 semester (c672) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Chemistry or AP Chemistry (Biology strongly recommended)
Credits: 1 semester(c950) + 1 semester (c952) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Successful Completion of Chemistry A/B
Credits: 1 semester(c960) + 1 semester (c962) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Biology or AP Biology
Credits: 1 semester(c970) + 1 semester (c972) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Algebra or Algebra with Quads
Credits: 1 semester (i908) + 1 semester (i909) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Precalculus (recommended B- or better)
Credits: 1 semester (m950) + 1 semester (m952) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: AP Calculus AB I & II or Precalculus with teacher recommendation
Credits: 1 semester (m954) + 1 semester (m956) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Algebra II (recommended B- or better) and Algebra III (recommended C- or better)
Credits: 1 semester (m960) + 1 semester (m962) = 2 credits for a year long course
Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering
Prerequisite: Recommended B or higher in current Social Studies class
Credits: 1 semester(s105) + 1 semester (s106) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Recommended B in AP US History of A in US History
Credits: 1 semester(s917) + 1 semester (s918) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Recommended B in AP Human Geography or A in Global Studies
Credits: 1 semester(s930) + 1 semester (s932) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Audition
Credits: 2 semesters
Articulated College Credit (ACC)
Articulated college credit courses are college courses offered at the high school, taught by a high school teacher. The courses are offered in partnership with a career or technical college (sometimes referred to as a two-year college). Students do not leave their high schools to enroll in these college classes. There are many ACC courses offered in each of our six Pathways: Arts, Film & Communications, Business, Healthcare and Human Services, Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, and Trades and Industry. Most of our ACC courses are articulated through Century College.
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Intro to Video Production
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: Recommended : Intro to Video Production or teacher approval
Credits: 1 semester
College Credit Opportunity: Articulated (ACC) through Century College
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
College Credit Opportunity: Articulated (ACC) through Century College
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1
College Credit: Articulated College Credit(ACC) through Century College
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
College Credit Opportunity: Articulated (ACC) through Century College
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
College Credit Opportunity: Articulated (ACC) through Century College
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Articulated (ACC) through Century College
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester(p560) + 1 semester (p562) = 2 credits for a year long course
College in the Schools (CIS)
When a student takes a concurrent enrollment or College in the Schools courses, they are building a college transcript for free without having to leave school. Students do not have to take a high-stakes test at the end of the term to determine whether they possibly earn college credit. If a student earns a C- or higher, they are automatically awarded college credit, which can be transferred to most colleges after high school. Individual colleges and universities will determine which general education goal areas the credits will apply.
Prerequisite: Must be in 11th or 12th grade, B or better in Chemistry
Credits: 1 semester(c690) + 1 semester (c692) = 2 credits for a year long course
College Credit Opportunity: College in the Schools (CIS) with University of Minnesota
Prerequisite: Biology
Credits: 1 semester
College Credit Opportunity: University of Minnesota (Learn more about early college credit options)
Program of Study: Core Curriculum & Universal Electives
Prerequisite: none
College Credit Opportunity: College in the Schools (CIS) through Bethel University
Program of Study: Core Curriculum & Universal Electives
Prerequisite: Algebra II
College Credit Opportunity: College in the Schools (CIS) through the University of Minnesota
Prerequisite: Successfully meeting standards in Spanish III (Grade of C or higher); making progress toward standards (Grade of C- or lower requires teacher recommendation).
Credits: 1 semester(w860) + 1 semester (w862) = 2 SAHS credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: Successfully meeting standards in Spanish IV (Grade of B- or higher); making progress toward standards (Grade of C+ or lower) requires teacher recommendations.
Credits: 1 semester(w960 + 1 semester (w962) = 2 credits for a year long course
College Credit Opportunity: College In Schools (CIS) with Bethel University = 3 semester college credits (Learn more about early college credit options)
Concurrent Enrollment (CE)
When a student takes a concurrent enrollment or College in the Schools courses, they are building a college transcript for free without having to leave school. Students do not have to take a high-stakes test at the end of the term to determine whether they possibly earn college credit. If a student earns a C- or higher, they are automatically awarded college credit, which can be transferred to most colleges after high school. Individual colleges and universities will determine which general education goal areas the credits will apply.
Program of Study: Core Curriculum & Universal Electives
Prerequisite: none
College Credit Opportunity: Concurrent Enrollment through Minnesota State University
Program of Study: Core Curriculum & Universal Electives
Prerequisite: none
College Credit Opportunity: Concurrent Enrollment through Minnesota State University
Program of Study: Core Curriculum & Universal Electives
Prerequisite: Students must also register for S315 - Economics
College Credit Opportunity: Concurrent Enrollment (CE) through Minnesota State University
Program of Study: Core Curriculum & Universal Electives
Prerequisite: None
College Credit Opportunity: Concurrent Enrollment (CE) through Minnesota State University
Program of Study: Health Science & Human Services
Prerequisite: None
College Credit Opportunity: Concurrent Enrollment (CE) through Minnesota State University
Prerequisite: None
Credits: 1 semester
College Credit Opportunity: Concurrent Enrollment (CE) through Century College
Prerequisite: ASL II
Credits: 1 semester(w710) + 1 semester (w712) = 2 credits for a year long course
Prerequisite: ASL III
Credits: 1 semester(w810) + 1 semester (w812) = 2 credits for a year long course
College Credit Opportunity: Concurrent Enrollment (CE) with Mankato
Prerequisite: Successful completion of French III
Credits: 1 semester(w830) + 1 semester (w832) = 2 credits for a year long course
College Credit Opportunity: Concurrent Enrollment with Minnesota State University
Prerequisite: Successful completion of French IV
Credits: 1 semester(w930) + 1 semester (w932) = 2 credits for a year long course
College Credit Opportunity: Concurrent Enrollment (CE) with Minnesota State University
Program of Study: Core Curriculum & Universal Electives
Prerequisite: None
College Credit Opportunity: Concurrent Enrollment (CE) through Century College
Prerequisite: Audition
Credits: 2 semesters
College Credit Opportunity: Concurrent Enrollment (CE) with Century College (Learn more about early college credit options)
Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO)
Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) is a program that allows students in grades 10-12 to earn both high school and college credit while still in high school, through enrollment in and successful completion of college nonsectarian courses at eligible participating postsecondary institutions.
Most PSEO courses are offered on the campus of the postsecondary institution; some courses are offered online. Each participating college or university sets its own admissions requirements for enrollment into the PSEO courses.
Students in grades 11 and 12 may take PSEO courses on a full- or part-time basis; Grade 10 students are eligible to enroll in PSEO on a more limited basis (see note below). Students must meet the PSEO residency and eligibility requirements and abide by participation limits specified in Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.09. If a school district determines a pupil is not on track to graduate, she/he may continue to participate in PSEO on a term by term basis.
By March 1 of each year, or three weeks prior to the date a student registers for courses for the following school year, schools must provide PSEO information to all students in grades 8-11 and their families. To assist the district in planning, a student must inform the district by May 30 of each year of their intent to enroll in postsecondary courses during the following school year.
There is no charge to PSEO students for tuition, books or fees for items that are required to participate in a course; however, students may incur fees for equipment that becomes their property when the course or program is completed, textbooks that are not returned to the postsecondary institution according to their policies, or for tuition costs if they do not notify the district by May 30 and the district does not waive this date requirement.
Funds are available to help pay transportation expenses for qualifying students to participate in PSEO courses on college campuses. For more information on these funds, access the PSEO Mileage Reimbursement Program Instructions.
Enrolling in a PSEO course does not prohibit a student from participating in activities sponsored by the high school.
School districts must allow a PSEO student reasonable access to the high school building, computers and/or other technology resources during regular school hours to participate in PSEO courses, whether on-line or on campus.
Each year, districts must publish their grade-weighting policy on their website, including a list of courses for which students can earn weighted grades.
All courses taken through the PSEO program must meet graduation requirements. Districts must transfer credits earned in PSEO by a ratio prescribed in statute. Districts have the authority to decide which subject area and standards the PSEO course meets. If there is a dispute between the district and the student regarding the number of credits granted for a particular course, the student may appeal the board's decision to the commissioner. The commissioner's decision regarding the number of credits will be final.
Postsecondary institutions are required to allow PSEO students to enroll in online courses consistent with the institution’s policy regarding postsecondary student enrollment in online courses.
Grade 10 students may initially enroll in one Career and Technical Education (CTE) PSEO course if they receive a reading proficiency score of “meets” or “exceeds” on the grade 8 MCA. If grade 10 students taking a CTE PSEO course earn at least a grade C in that class, they may take additional CTE PSEO courses. If the student did not take the MCA in 8th-grade, another reading assessment accepted by the enrolling postsecondary institution can be substituted. For students with disabilities, there is an alternative option to demonstrate reading proficiency.
General PSEO Planning Timeline:
- Determine PSEO Institution(s) to apply to.
- Use your chosen PSEO institution's website as application guide.
- Review, sign and submit SAHS PSEO information and agreement.
- Plan a meeting with your SAHS Counselor about PSEO forms. Deadline to meet with your SAHS school counselor is May 30.
- Schedule placement test or gather test results if applicable
- Apply with all application materials (see below) to PSEO institution. Application deadlines for some PSEO institutions are April 1 and April 15.
- Wait for confirmation of acceptance/denial from PSEO institution
- Attend PSEO orientation/meet with PSEO institution advisor (May-Aug)
- Communicate your PSEO schedule with SAHS counselor and adjust your SAHS schedule to coordinate with PSEO schedule.
- Complete MDE Notice of Student Registration form (NOSR)
Application Materials
- PSEO Institution Application
- SAHS Transcript
- Test Scores (if applicable)
- Additional Materials (ex. U of M credit evaluation)
Century College PSEO Seminar
Information From A Few PSEO Institutions
Project Lead the Way (PLTW)
Students who successfully complete the end-of-course assessments at the high school may receive college credit, scholarships, or admissions preferences at various higher education institutions, workforce certifications, and/or internship and other employment opportunities with industry partners.
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester (i580) + 1 semester (i582) = 2 credits for a year long course
Project Lead The Way
Prerequisite: Intro to Engineering or teacher recommendation
Credits: 1 semester (i584) + 1 semester (i586) = 2 credits for a year long course
Project Lead The Way
Prerequisite: Intro to Engineering or teacher recommendation
Credits: 2 semesters
Project Lead The Way
916 Career & Tech (916)
Seniors may take courses taught at Northeast Metro 916, a career and technical education program located at Century College. Students who successfully complete courses can earn college credit through Century College.
Prerequisite: None
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 3 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 3 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Prerequisite: none
Credits: 1 semester
Additional Academic Offerings
Additional Academic Opportunities
- Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID)
- Credit by Assessment
- Credit Recovery
- Career Seminar and Career Internship
- Independent Study
Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID)
Credit by Assessment
Credit Recovery
A second chance toward graduation
Credit Recovery gives students in grades 9-12 the opportunity to recover failed credits while accessing online curriculum and accompanied by licensed teaching staff.
Students interested in recovering credits they have failed to master in the traditional classroom sign up for classes offered throughout the year using Apex, an online resource tool that allows students to work independent of school yet in tandem with licensed teachers who help guide their 9-12 path.
- Allows students to maintain status and graduate with class
- Pass/No Pass grading
- Courses offered are for recovery only, not for original credit
Students who have failed a class during the school year should work with their counselor to register for Credit Recovery to make up a required credit.
Check with your counselor for more information.
Career Seminar and Career Internship
Career Seminar and Career Internship courses provide opportunities for students to explore a career and earn high school credit at the same time. Students may participate in micro internships and gain real-world experiences to help them determine what they want to do after graduation. Contact the Pathways Coordinator to learn more.
Career Seminar: This self-directed elective is designed for students who are motivated to explore careers and make informed decisions about their post-secondary path. It provides an opportunity for students to discover their interests and develop employability skills as they explore careers through interviews, facility tours, job shadow and real world experiences with professionals in fields of interest. A Pathways Coordinator will act as Advisor and facilitate large group employability skills development sessions early in the semester, then help provide initial contacts to professionals. Students will be required to initiate and conduct at least five informational interviews with professionals who can provide insight into careers the student is exploring. This course forms only during first semester.
Career Internship: The Pathways Career Internship is an elective course designed for the student who is motivated to explore careers and make an informed decision about their post-secondary path by gaining work experience in a field of interest. This self-directed elective is designed to provide a meaningful internship that allows the student to earn high school credit, earn money and learn applicable skills in an industry the student is pursuing. Students are required to complete a paid internship of approximately 40-80 hours. This course forms only during second semester.